The European Course of Cryogenics 2024

The European Course of Cryogenics has been organized by TU-Dresden, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST) and Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) since 2008. The course is given over three consecutive weeks in Dresden, Wroclaw and Trondheim and offers lectures, tutorials and technical excursions concerning hydrogen, helium and LNG technologies. The course is dedicated to the students of technical universities, PhD students and young professionals.

During one week in Wroclaw, both fundamentals of Cryogenics and detailed knowledge of helium technology are presented and discussed.

Lectures conducted by WUST faculty members are held in room 59/C6. The lectures are open to anyone interested in the subject.

Besides the academic teachers of WUST and Philippe Lebrun from CERN/European Scientific Institute, lecturers from the Polish Academy of Sciences, specifically from the Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research — Tomasz Cichorek, Daniel Gajda, and Michał Babij — are also providing significant contributions. Technical excursion to the Polish Oil and Gas Company ORLEN – PGNiG Odolanów – the only European producer of liquid helium, has become a regular event of the course. During the company presentation, the details of the processes and technical aspects of LHe installation are explained and discussed by the engineers. The participants have an exceptional opportunity to take a part in lecture Bose-Einstein Condensate – from Superfluidity to Superconductivity by Wojciech Kempinski and Zbigniew Trybula from Institute of Molecular Physics of Polish Academy of Sciences. The lecture is focused on the superfluidity phenomenon and includes a demonstration of helium phase transition to the superfluid state.

The European Course of Cryogenics is a non-profit initiative. The main purpose of the course is to promote Cryogenics among technical students and to bring together students and professionals to stimulate the exchange of information and ideas in cryogenic engineering.

In 2024 the course can be held thanks to our strategic sponsor ORLEN – PGNiG Odolanów Branch and the financial support of our sponsors: Cryogenic Society of Europe, INOX CVA and KrioSystem Sp. z o.o.

Wroclaw Timetable 2024:

Collaborative partners: